Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fire Safety < Fire Availabilty

One of the things we're pretty proud of here at MP3 is ridiculously cool selection of lighters. If you've been in the store, you'll certainly remember what I'm talking about. Now, I should preface this by stating that I don't really smoke, but I have been known to keep a tin of Cohiba Minis on hand just in case (in case what? I'm not sure). Regardless, not smoking isn't a good reason to not own a lighter. I was never a boy scout and even I know that sometimes you need to light a fire. But then, I have history of lighting things on fire. No, not in a good way. I digress but the point is we've got my absolute favorite lighter back in stock -- the JP Windmill.Above are the polished and black. Both are terrific, but they don't hold a metaphorical candle to king of all the Japanese lighters:

Yessiree, there it is. The forest green JP Windmill Stormproof lighter. I'm not sure why the green strikes me as that much better than everything else. Maybe its because it reminds me of camping gear. Or the army. Or something that construction workers carry along with their thermos and steel lunch box.

It packs a punch functionally as well. All Windmills have that nifty blue torch flame and stormproof really means stormproof. These babies never fail to light. This particular model also has the little compression ring, so it attaches to your car keys, boat keys, divot tool, tackle box, grill tools, purse, necklace, whatever! Just don't let the valet kid take it.


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