Thursday, October 1, 2009

This Happens Every Year When Baseball Season is Finished

I've been waiting for these scarves for, say, seven months.  We ordered them waaay back in February and I've had to sit on my hands since then.  Lucky for us, they've arrived at exactly the right time as meteorological fall has conveniently lined up with Gregorian Calendar fall.  To those holding out (I saw a remarkable number people in shorts or tiny little dresses this weekend), give it up - Autumn won.  It always does.

While Altea now makes a fairly full compliment of garments, their primary focus has always been scarves and ties, both of which we stock.  The most endearing thing, however, is that they tend to present things in that Italian way that could kind of be confused with East Coast Prep - trade a pocket square and add a crest and BAM! Welcome to New Haven.  If you don't understand what I mean, ask to take a peek at their lookbook upon the next visit.  Curiously, their website is also a hybrid of Italian and American.  The broken English makes for a delightful read.

Top photo Wool Scarves L to R: $65, $65, $115, $75
Middle photo Silk/Modal blend Scarves $115, Wool Scarf $115
Bottom Photo Cashmere Blend Scarves $145

1 comment:

  1. Hi, are these scarves avilable? Can they be purchased onine?
